適合于16-19歲學生。由六大學科組+三大核心課程 (認識論Theory of Knowledge、拓展論文Extended Essay和創意、行動與服務Creativity, Activity and Service)組成。培養學 生在智力、社交、情感和身體等方面獲得全面發展,為成功地學習大學課程并投入未來學習與生活做好準備。
Recommended to students aged from 16-19, DP is 2-year-long. It is comprised of six subjects and three core courses (Theory of Knowledge/Extended Essay/Creativity, Activity, and Service). DP prepares student to develop intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically to embrace a holistic growth and to succeed in future college life and study.
AP課程全稱為Advanced Placement Program(美國大學先修課 程),是美國大學理事會(The College Board)開發,在高中階段 開設的具有大學水平的課程,已在美國17,000多所高中里普遍開設。AP課程是高中課程的深化,也是大學評估高中生進入大 學后學習潛能的課程及考試。通過AP課程的學習和考試,學生 更容易被大學尤其是名校錄取,并且可以享受折抵學分、免修課 程等待遇,學生可以提前完成大學學業。另外,AP課程的難度和挑戰,能夠讓學生提前感受并且適應美、加大學的學習,為學 生進入美、加大學后順利完成學業打下堅實的基礎。
The Advanced Placement Program is developed by College Board, the college-level courses are offered in more than 17,000 high schools in the U.S. AP courses are extensions of high school curriculum and they are also used by colleges and universities to assess the academic potential of high schoolers as they enter college. With the study and exam of AP, students are more likely to be admitted to colleges, especially top schools, students also receive credits and are exempted from taking the according course, allowing them to complete the coursework earlier than expected. On the other hand, the rigor and challenge of AP courses enable students to experience and adapt to the college study in U.S. and Canada in advance, therefore to better construct a solid foundation to successfully complete academic requirements after attending colleges.
Recommended to students aged from 16-19, DP is 2-year-long. It is comprised of six subjects and three core courses (Theory of Knowledge/Extended Essay/Creativity, Activity, and Service). DP prepares student to develop intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically to embrace a holistic growth and to succeed in future college life and study.
聯系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
來源:國際學校網 本頁網址:http://www.fspmw.com/cdqm/dongtai/2468.html本網站所收集的部分公開資料來源于互聯網,轉載的目的在于傳遞更多信息及用于網絡分享,并不代表本站贊同其觀點和對其真實性負責,也不構成任何其他建議。本站部分作品是由網友自主投稿和發布、編輯整理上傳,對此類作品本站僅提供交流平臺,不為其版權負責。如果您發現網站上有侵犯您的知識產權的作品,請與我們取得聯系,我們會及時修改或刪除。電子郵箱:jiangyue2012@qq.com