On the 10th anniversary of the establishment of
Shanghai Ivy School,
we received a "great gift" and,
obtained the accreditation of Cognia,
the world's largest non-profit,
authoritative international school certification organization.
During the progress of accrediting, Cognia officer said: "If this school passes the relevant assessment of Cognia accreditation, it tells the parents that this school is fully capable of educating your children and giving them the access to well qualified schools around the world."
In December 2021, Ivy school was qualified as a Cognia candidate school, which covering the curriculum system for all grades in the middle school. In June 2022, the Cognia Accreditation Committee reviewed Shanghai Ivy School in terms of academics, teachers, school buildings, management, administration, students and parents. Based on hundreds of pages of certification reports submitted by Ivy school. The Cognia Accreditation Committee examined in detail the school’s curriculum, student homework, academic data, school policies and financial data. The Cognia Accreditation Committee also conducted many questionnaires and comprehensive communications with students and parents. On June 17th, the Shanghai Ivy School became the fifth school in Shanghai to pass the Cognia Secondary School All-Grade Curriculum Certification,following the Shanghai Middle School, Shanghai Union Wanyuan City School, Shanghai Soong Ling School - International Division etc.
Cognia認證對學校的考察是全方位的,圍繞領導力(Leadership Capacity Domain)、學習(Learning Capacity Domain)和資源(Resource Capacity Domain)三大維度,根據教學理念、課程設置、師資團隊、教學管理和運營管理等60項標準對學校進行綜合評估后,提供專業且公正的評估結果,美國U.S. News 全美最佳高中TOP 10中,就有6所學校獲得了Cognia認證。
Cognia accreditation inspects schools in a 360 degree way, revolving around three dimensions of leadership (Leadership Capacity Domain), learning (Learning Capacity Domain) and resources (Resource Capacity Domain). After comprehensive evaluation of the school on more than 60 standards including teaching philosophy, curriculum, teacher team, teaching management and operation management, it provides professional and fair evaluation results.
In the U.S. News TOP 10 of the best high schools in the United States, 6 schools have obtained Cognia accreditation.
As many of the world's top private schools, Shanghai Ivy school is "small but beautiful" and "small but refined". It has engraved "education by educators" and "student-oriented education" in its genes, and has thrived for 10 years. This year's Cognia accreditation means that Shanghai Ivy School has reached the forefront of global education in terms of school-running quality, assessment improvement, student participation, campus culture, learning environment, information and data, teaching management, daily operations and administrative management. With the improvement of the international recognition of Shanghai Ivy school, it would be easier for our graduates to apply for overseas top universities and colleges, and for us to recruit top teachers from all over the world, and to cooperate with world renowned universities and colleges.
This is just the beginning, and Shanghai Ivy School will continue to forge ahead and continue to work towards the vision of sending every student to a world-class university. Shanghai Ivy School has obtained the globally authoritative Cognia certification, which is not only a recognition of the quality of our education, but also an objective evaluation of the quality of Ivy education in the terms of the global education evaluation system, which means that the transcripts and graduate certificates of Ivy students will be recognized by global authorities. This is critical to Admission of University.
Shanghai Ivy School will be authorized by the College Board of the American College Board to offer classes directly with AP American college accredited credits!Shanghai Ivy School will join into the Cognia global top school alliance network, stand together with the world's top schools. We will have academic communication and inter-school exchanges, student competitions and sports leagues through global platforms, and gain access to the organization's thousands of member schools. Shanghai Ivy School will obtain the shared resources and teacher vocational training opportunities of the Cognia global network. This will lay a solid foundation for the further development of Shanghai Ivy School.
Education is a tree shaking a tree, a cloud pushing a cloud, Shanghai Ivy School working silently, waiting for the flowers to bloom. The acquisition of Cognia certification is inevitable in the school's development process.
Thank you to every member of the Shanghai Ivy School community and for your attention,
Every parent and educational peer who supports the development of Shanghai Ivy School ,
Thank you for your contribution to
the development of the school.
What is Cognia Accreditation?
Cognia是全球最大的非營利性國際學校權威認證機構,于2018年由兩大著名非營利教育機構AdvancED 和Measured Progress合并而成。作為全球最大的非營利性國際學校權威認證機構,Cognia目前服務于全球85個國家、超過36,000所學校、近2,500萬學生和500萬教育者。Cognia以考查學校是否以優質的學術研究為教育核心,是一種全球認可的教育認證標準,業務涵蓋認證、評估、咨詢以及專業學習四大部分。
Cognia is the world's largest non-profit international school authoritative certification body. It was formed in 2018 by the merger of two well-known non-profit educational institutions, AdvancED and Measured Progress. As the world's largest non-profit international school authoritative accreditation agency, Cognia currently serves more than 36,000 schools, nearly 25 million students and 5 million educators in 85 countries around the world. Cognia features a globally recognized educational accreditation standard that examines whether a school is centered on high-quality academic research. Its business covers four major aspects: accreditation, assessment, consulting and professional learning.
1 申請和前期準備評審階段
2 內部評審階段
3 入校深度評審階段
4 后期評審階段
Certification process:
1 Application & Readiness Review
2 Internal Review
3 Engagement Review
*Cognia sends evaluators to conduct site visits, focusing on substantial progress made by the school to be accredited over the past year
4 Post Review
*Cognia investigates the review results of the previous stage and publishes the certification results
1 全球Cognia 認證G6-12課程認證學校:Shanghai Ivy School(School Code:319999)
2 IB PYP課程認證學校:Shanghai Ivy School(School Code:060797)
IB CP候選學校 Shanghai Ivy College (School Code: 062729)
3 劍橋大學考試委員會CAIE和愛德思考試委員會EDEXCEL認證IGCSE&Alevel學校(School Code:CX171、92635)
4 香港考試及評核局認證HKDSE、日本文部科學省認證EJU、美國薩凡納藝術設計學院認證SCAD藝術課程中心
In addition to the Cognia certification, the Shanghai Ivy School has also obtained many mainstream international certifications and authorizations in the world so far.
So far,Shanghai Ivy School has obtained the following certifications in the integration curriculum through more than ten years of school-running practice, including:
1 Global Cognia Certification G6-12 Course Certification School: Shanghai Ivy School (School Code: 319999)
2 IB PYP course certification school: Shanghai Ivy School (School Code: 060797)
IB CP Candidate School Shanghai Ivy College (School Code: 062729)
3 Cambridge University Examinations Committee CAIE and EdexCEL Certification IGCSE & Alevel Schools (School Code: CX171, 92635)
4 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority certified HKDSE, Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology certified EJU, American Savannah College of Art and Design certified SCAD Art Course Center
通過IB、Cognia & AP、IGCSE&Alevel等授權認證后,上海常青藤學校在國際認可度方面將獲得全方位的提升,這種提升不僅僅是從學校辦學、人才引進角度而言的,對于在讀學生的提升、未來畢業生的大學申請更是裨益良多。未來常青藤學生可以在體制內國家課程中高考、上海和全球頂尖 IB高中升學、常青藤融合高中將提供個性化優質的多元升學通道。
After obtaining IB, Cognia & AP, IGCSE & Alevel and other authorized certifications, Shanghai Ivy School will gain an all-round improvement in international recognition. This improvement is not only from the perspective of school running and talent introduction, but also for the improvement of students, especially the college application of future graduates is more beneficial. In the future, Shanghai Ivy School can take the college entrance examination in the national curriculum within the system, and enter the top IB high schools in Shanghai and the world.
上海常青藤學校不僅完成了雙軌制+IB課程從3-18歲、Cognia & AP +IGCSE & Alevel英美認證中學體系的全覆蓋,還是上海具有難得全面的全球權威機構授權和認證的學校。未來,我們將一如既往地秉持不斷革新、超越自我的理念,提升辦學品質,保證教學質量,為全校學子提供更多優質的優質教育資源和升學路徑,培養更多具有21世紀橫貫能力、跨文化思維、全球化視野、獨立人格魅力的世界公民。
Shanghai Ivy School has not only completed the dual-track + IB curriculum from 3-18 years old, Cognia & AP +IGCSE & Alevel accredited secondary school system, but also has a rare and comprehensive global authoritative organization in Shanghai. In the future, we will, as always, uphold the concept of continuous innovation and self-transcendence, improve the quality of running schools, ensure the quality of teaching, provide more high-quality educational resources and further education paths for all students in the school, and cultivate more 21st-century transversal and cross-cultural thinking, world citizens with a global vision and an independent personality.
聯系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
來源:國際學校網 本頁網址:http://www.fspmw.com/cqt/dongtai/1282.html本網站所收集的部分公開資料來源于互聯網,轉載的目的在于傳遞更多信息及用于網絡分享,并不代表本站贊同其觀點和對其真實性負責,也不構成任何其他建議。本站部分作品是由網友自主投稿和發布、編輯整理上傳,對此類作品本站僅提供交流平臺,不為其版權負責。如果您發現網站上有侵犯您的知識產權的作品,請與我們取得聯系,我們會及時修改或刪除。電子郵箱:jiangyue2012@qq.com