Economics與Business, Accounting都是今后學習商科的基礎,也是了解社會經濟現狀及未來經濟發展的開端。學好經濟課程不僅使你更全面的了解所處的社會環境,也能夠更好的利用所擁有的資源達到越多的美好愿望。
經濟中有很多重要的概念,如Opportunity cost, price elasticity of demand,還有一些重要的話題,如price determination, unemployment and inflation.初學者可能簡單的了解這些名詞的意思,但不太明白他們在經濟活動中的作用,通過這門課程的學習,學生將發現整個社會的經濟運作、國家政策都與這些名詞有著密切的關系。
SectionⅠ The Basic Economic Problem
SectionⅡ Allocation Of Resource
SectionⅢ The Individual As Producer,Consumer And Borrower
SectionⅣ The Private Firm As Producer And Employer
SectionⅤ Role Of Government In An Economy
SectionⅥ Economic Indicators
SectionⅦ Developed And Developing Countries
SectionⅧ International Aspects
Human beings, in order to survive need a lot of things. Some of
these things are very important for our existence. For example, food, clothing,
water, shelter and air. These things can be classified as Needs. Apart
from this there are things which are needed by us but they are not important
for our survival and we can live without them also. For example, going on an
expensive holiday, owning a 57 inches Plasma TV. These are known as Wants. This
list is never ending and is continuously increasing.
來源:國際學校網 本頁網址:聲明:我方為第三方信息服務平臺提供者,本文來自于網絡,登載出于傳遞更多信息之目的,并不意味著贊同其觀點或證實其描述,文章內容僅供參考。如若我方內容涉嫌侵犯其合法權益,應該及時反饋,我方將會盡快移除被控侵權內容。