Under the guidance of Lindy, the students of LWS competed in the 2022 Junior Science Olympiad Exam (JSOE).
This time, LWS students lived up to expectations, winning awards, and showing a solid foundation of knowledge in the competition. Most of the knowledge or skills used in this competition are at high school level. It's difficult for a junior school student to won a prize in this competition.
Congratulations again to the students who won. May you continue to succeed and bring honor as a LWS student!
Einstein said: "Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery."
We have a high level of science faculty team, they have excellent academic strength, with a love of scientific research. In the path of scientific research, a strong set of cognitive foundations and methods are established, allowing students to use the knowledge and skills they have learned to discover, understand, and even solve the problems facing human existence in this world.
關于Junior Science Olympiad Exam, JSOE
澳大利亞初級科學測評 (Junior Science Olympiad Exam, JSOE) 由澳大利亞科學創新學會(Australian Science Innovation, ASI) 主辦。ASI總部設在澳大利亞國立大學,同時也是澳大利亞物理、化學、生物奧林匹克活動的主辦方,每年選擇選拔和培訓澳大利亞國家隊參加世界物理、化學、生物奧林匹克活動項目。澳大利亞初級科學奧林匹克活動注重通過活動的形式來測試學生在生物、物理、化學以及地球與環境等學科中解決難題和批判性思維的能力。
CONGRATULATIONS to all award winners!
聯系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
來源:國際學校網 本頁網址:http://www.fspmw.com/meigao/202429.html本網站所收集的部分公開資料來源于互聯網,轉載的目的在于傳遞更多信息及用于網絡分享,并不代表本站贊同其觀點和對其真實性負責,也不構成任何其他建議。本站部分作品是由網友自主投稿和發布、編輯整理上傳,對此類作品本站僅提供交流平臺,不為其版權負責。如果您發現網站上有侵犯您的知識產權的作品,請與我們取得聯系,我們會及時修改或刪除。電子郵箱:jiangyue2012@qq.com