Robert Moss Allman III:擁有美國較好名校華盛頓大學材料工程學學士學位和太平洋路德大學數學學位雙學位,美國公立大學排名第一的加州大學洛杉磯分校碩士學位,并于華盛頓大學進修博士。曾就職于IBM并獲博士獎學金提名。有20多年美國本土及海內外大學和中學教學經驗。
Rebecca C Holman:畢業于美國公立常春藤名校明尼蘇達大學,文學學士,正在進修碩士,6年美國本土及海外教學經驗。
Kirk Anderson:畢業于美國著名的公立研究型大學科羅拉多州立大學,科學學士,5年美國本土教學經驗。
David Scoggins: 畢業于英國較好大學赫爾大學,教育學研究生,11年海內外教學經驗。
Van Michael Johncox :擁有社會學、心理學雙學士學位和碩士學位,10多年海內外教學經驗。
Rebecca C Holman
Hello! My name is Rebecca. I am from Minnesota, but have also lived in France and Indonesia while teaching English. I love to travel and enjoy learning about different cultures. In my free time, I love trying new foods and restaurants, reading, researching, shopping, cooking, running, weight training, doing yoga, and spending time with family and friends. I obtained my B.A. in Sociology with a minor in French studies at the University of Minnesota. I am finishing up my thesis this year for my M.A. in T.E.S.O.L.through Hamline University, which is based in Saint Paul, MN. Two goals of mine are to one day publish a book and get my PhD. I love teaching and learning from my students. I promote building a multicultural learning community where students learn from me and one another in an open-minded and welcoming environment.Education in all of its entity helps prepare students to become not only the best version of themselves with highest success and achievement, but also global citizens with a focus on bettering the future of our world through all that they accomplish.
Robert Moss Allman III
Teaching is a prime example of interactive public speaking -- where each group of students constitutes a unique audience.As the speaker, or leader of the discussion, the first objective is to establish a relationship with the audience in the form of an open line of communication. Because only if you can gain the trust of each member of the audience can you hope to create the desire within them to listen eagerly with an open mind to what you have to offer them. Rather than creating a separation based on academic status, you want to establish yourself (if possible) as an integral part of the group -- or family. Once that is done, your goal is to instill within each student the confidence they need in order to believe in their own innate abilities to solve the problems at hand. Rather than simply giving them the answers, you need to be able to point them in the right direction, and lead them down the correct path which leads them to the ultimate solution. I.E. First show them how -- and then encourage them to figure it out for themselves. And always make sure to show them how rewarding and fun that learning and higher education can truly be -- even in an increasingly competitive global academicenvironment.
David Scoggins
Hello, my name’s David and I’m from the UK. I love to travel, and also enjoy playing the guitar, reading and cycling. I started my teaching career in 2008 in Moscow, Russia and since then have also taught in Xi’an and in the UK. In my mind a teacher’s passion for their subject and ability to connect with people are at the very heart of education. As a teacher I strive to build the confidence of my students and develop an inquisitiveness and love of learning in them which will hopefully last a lifetime. The best students not only work hard but push themselves to develop their understanding of the wider world. Let me finish with a quotation about my specialist subject, ‘history gives answers only to those who know how to ask questions’.
Kirk Anderson
Hi. My name is Kirk Anderson and I am a science teacher who loves learning by doing. I think science is done best when it can be seen in action, whether it be showing pressure volume relationships through bottle rockets or demonstrating the motion of waves with a slinky. School needs to be a reflection of life - amixture of interesting, fun, and challenging. Every classroom is like a game.The students are the players and the teacher is the coach. Together, we all have the same goal of creating the most successful team that we can be. This is the excitement in school - working together, teachers and students alike, to build the most cohesive, productive, and fulfilling environment that we can.
Van Johncox
My name is Van Johncox, BA, MA, TESOL, TESL. As a teacher, I must facilitate my students' knowledge, skills and abilities and accommodate their learning styles to inspire their vigor to learn with fervor for the rest-of-their-lives! Learning should be fun, memorable and active; therefore easy: Not a tough challenge! My students are always well prepared for their evaluations; consequently, there is a high quality performance and reward.
jpgEmina Dedic
Hello! My name is Emina, and I 30 years old from America. I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology and love working with children! I've taught students from 4 years old into adulthood. My philosophy is that learning should be fun! I try to make sure my lessons are engaging, relevant to what students know, and knowledge-packed. I believe that with the proper education, any student can take on the world! I want my students to leave my classroom knowing that they can not only accomplish anything they want to, but also with something they can use in day to to day life from my lessons.
來源:國際學校網 本頁網址:http://www.fspmw.com/shmy/200604.html本網站所收集的部分公開資料來源于互聯網,轉載的目的在于傳遞更多信息及用于網絡分享,并不代表本站贊同其觀點和對其真實性負責,也不構成任何其他建議。育龍國際學校網為第三方教育信息發布平臺,本站部分作品是由網友自主投稿和發布、編輯整理上傳,對此類作品本站僅提供交流平臺,不為其版權負責。如果您發現網站上有侵犯您的知識產權的作品,請與我們取得聯系,我們會及時修改或刪除。電子郵箱:jiangyue2012#qq.com(“#”換成“@”)