小班授課: 小學每班不超過20名學生,中學每班不超過30名學生。
QDGIS is the model for bilingual education in Qingdao. With Chinese and foreign certified teachers and textbooks, QDGIS seamlessly combines Chinese and Western education. Students' Chinese and English levels are greatly improved by immersion. Our multinational school community includes people from all walks of life and many countries, including China,Korea,Canada,Japan,Switzerland,New Zealand and the United States. There are many opportunities for us to learn from each other.
Under QDGIS's bilingual educational model, students access Chinese and Western culture while learning two different thinking models. Our goal is to cultivate comprehensive and international talents, while improving our students' critical and creative thinking skills. Our students are prepared for careers in art, literature, science, mathematics, business and diplomacy.
We offer small class sizes and an international community of like-minded learners.
In the primary school each grade has a Chinese and a foreign homeroom teacher. With two homeroom teachers per grade, students benefit from the extra attention given to their individual educational needs.
Middle school coursework consists of a Chinese curriculum taught by local teachers plus foreign courses. The foreign classes are taught by Western teachers and include English, English math, computers, social studies, science, art, P.E and music.
來源:國際學校網 本頁網址:http://www.fspmw.com/yinhe/195054.html本網站所收集的部分公開資料來源于互聯網,轉載的目的在于傳遞更多信息及用于網絡分享,并不代表本站贊同其觀點和對其真實性負責,也不構成任何其他建議。育龍國際學校網為第三方教育信息發布平臺,本站部分作品是由網友自主投稿和發布、編輯整理上傳,對此類作品本站僅提供交流平臺,不為其版權負責。如果您發現網站上有侵犯您的知識產權的作品,請與我們取得聯系,我們會及時修改或刪除。電子郵箱:jiangyue2012#qq.com(“#”換成“@”)